Posts by Estelle

Breathe, Pause, Choose, Breathe

Breathe, Pause, Choose, Breathe

It’s so easy to get stuck in a world we’d prefer not to be attached to. Minds are bombarded with...

Golden Sunflowers

Golden Sunflowers

Occasionally a friend takes you by surprise and sets fire to your heart, soul and mind. It happened today when...

The Village Church

The Village Church

I see so much I offer them space as I simply stand solid and grand Inside they come to worship...

Light for Now and the Future

Light for Now and the Future

Waking up today to the news that Russia had invaded Ukraine was not the best start to a grey rainy...



Whakapapa is a Māori word meaning, as I understand it, to connect with a sense of identity: belonging. I came...

Nourishing words

Nourishing words

I love the writing of John O’Donohue. I’d like to share some of his words with you today: “Kindness has...

Moments of Change

Moments of Change

One moment of sunshine. One moment of snow. I love the variety that April showers bring. As I take a...

Floating with the breath

Floating with the breath

Feeling the breath… We are not thinking about the breath or the breath sensations, so much as feeling the breath, riding...

Can I be angry for a moment?

Can I be angry for a moment?

I wonder if you are one of the lucky ones who can easily recognise when you’re feeling angry and express...

Staying Connected

Staying Connected

During these strange times where many of us have been forced into social isolation to some extent, I’m aware of...

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