Today I believe…

Today I believe that we need to hold on to hope during difficult times.

I also believe that it doesn’t have to be as difficult as I sometimes imagine.
If only I remember to breathe and take a little more time.
As I speak I can hear the tennis on TV downstairs – it’s Wimbledon fortnight, one of my favourite events of the year. What really resonates with me is the sheer determination of the players.
I want to be as determined to look after my mind as they are to play their best game.

Today I will choose to live this day by the words of John O’Donohue Eternal Echoes:

May we live this day
compassionate of heart,
gentle in word,
gracious in awareness,
courageous in thought,
generous in love.”

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Today I believe that it’s going to be hard work to keep each other going during the next few months. BUT I believe it’s worth the work, because the rewards can be quite beyond our expectations.

Maybe we need to learn from dogs? Here’s what Misty taught me yesterday…

Misty in her bed

She was snuggled up in her basket and clearly didn’t want to be disturbed. The day was wet and cold, a truly grey January day. I called her. She willingly trotted over to me and I clicked on the harness. Then she immediately returned to her bed. The message was clear:
“It’s too much effort today.”

I doggedly persisted in my mission to walk off some of the Christmas excesses and set off, head bowed as I strode against the wind and rain, feeling cold, wet and miserable.

Then I looked at Misty. She was released from the restraint of the lead and rushing enthusiastically across the muddy grass, greeting her friends, smelling the fresh air, literally bounding for the joy of being alive! I ended up smiling with her.

She reminded me I have a choice: to feel the loss of my dear friend who died last week, and let that sadness permeate every part of my being and deter me from enjoying the day, or, when I remember my friend’s smile, to feel the loss of him, cherish my sadness, and then choose to enjoy as much of today as I can, just as he would have. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

I’ve decided to listen to Misty’s message and return to enjoying the moment!


Today I believe that I am allowed to speak my mind: not in a way that is intentionally harmful, but in a way that is honest and allows my ever changing self to be expressed without fear.

Today I believe that I have sometimes remained silent when I should have spoken out – on behalf of others, or in order to simply express my view, as well as be interested in your view.

Today I believe that I feel a sense of freedom as a result of allowing myself to challenge what other’s think. Today I am smiling, not with a sense of victory but with a feeling of relief, a feeling of liberation, a feeling of peace because I can speak.

Recently I read a book written by Valarie Kaur [see Further Reading page], a Sikh activist. Although my core belief comes from my Christian upbringing and more recent interest in the Buddhist way of living, I’m really pleased that I continue to grow and change as I reflect on different faiths and spirituality.

Tomorrow will be a new day…