“Mindfulness is about paying attention without judgement, moment by moment, to our experience, usually focusing on the breath to anchor attention.” Jon Kabat-Zinn
Come and join me for a Mindfulness Practice session on Zoom or in Dorking
Breath of Life
O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us, come cleanse, renew us.
O Breath of Love, come breathe within us, revive, restore us.
Bessie Porter Head (1920)
Dawn is breaking
If you’re feeling stuck – consider the time of year. The season of Winter is when nature rests and goes underground. Perhaps this time of darkness is a gift. A time of preparation for great things to come. Nature says it’s okay to sit awhile and rest. Be awake, be aware, but don’t push. Encouraging words nourish the soul. Light lifts the spirits. Warmth brings relaxation. Let nature take its course.